April 6, 2008, at around 2:30 in the morning, I woke up that early co'z of the excitement maybe and this is the first time to attend an online game event. To clear my head off even though I haven't sleep that much (3 hours of sleep, so crap!), I prepare myself with the Reclusion brothers on packing our things and flew down to SMX Convention Center (Roxas Boulevard, Metro Manila PH). We arrive at around five minutes to eight and this is what we saw...

In Line For Registration...
As we enter the SMX, we got stocked for around 2 hours. Complains are everywhere but in short, we entered at last!!!shew " perspiring ".

Here are some of the booth inside. I haven't got a shot of Supreme Destiny booth, I'm on the thrown in the comfy room lol!Go check this out ^^,

The event was full of surprises and some celebrity guests and exciting games of each booth that is on stand. Getting some freebies is on a process like roaming around and stamping your event card.
It contains the sponsors of the event and it's so funny co'z they have their pop quizzes or doing such thing as using your skills in the hammer machine to get your stamp!lol!Here is some nasty pics I've done.hehe!

Shooting Duel in GE booth with Nate (Reclusion)...kill! " just to get a stamp hehe! "

J. Tomas CM (Community Manager) Audition Online Ph and me...

Event Muse no.1

Here's no 2 hehe!

Feel the Sword of Cabal ooooh!lol

With the Cosplayers yeah!
But in the event itself, we go back to Granado Espada booth and my most awaited awarding of FFA (Fantazzztic Film Awards) Grand Finale winners and recognition of all the Philippine players of what they contributed to the GE community and to be proud of course!here it is ....

Montreux, Weisswriter and Fetuccini on 3rd place

The 2nd place and the champions of FFA...woooooh!!! From left: Fiksdotter, Nate (Reclusion) Darrick (Reclusion) Ninemoons, Mena, De Sanggria and me. iCez, where are you?lol!
As the turn of events, we are so happy!!! Personally, I'm totally fulfilled that I'll come back next year for the next Domination...
I hope you guys who attended the event enjoyed it too and hope to see you in the upcoming events of E - Games most specially GE. I want to specially thank the following : [CM]RSGe Hrin, [CM]PhilGe Veya, and De Sanggria for the support in this event...ciao!

[RCM] (Regional Community Manager) Hrin and Artaxerxes

[CM]Veya and Artaxerxes

Queen of Vespanola De Sanggria and Artaxerxes, Voice Actor Heartthrob "shew"!!!