Do we ever wonder what is inside the cloud sucking volcano on Island of Fire (IOF)? Hmmm...I got curious so I explore, come join me ^^,

As we all know, most specially the "Farmers" in IOF, we do get lots'a lots'a chips for us to sell but for those who hasn't explored the Island, Come see...

Island of Fire Map
Now the Monster's statistics on Zone's 1 - 2:

Next, Zone 3:

Ancient Warrior Soul is cool, they are like java man hunti'n you down with their pizzaro's hehe...

Survivor Series In Island of Fire : Race with the Java
After this, the Depths of the crater... I was wondering on what could be the reason why there ain't no pioneers strolls around, I was woah!

What the "Hell" Is this place?
Pioneers, Welcome to the Crater...

As of my Idea, Sekmet leaves here. And in the history of Granado Espada, no one has ever entered even saw Sekmet's paradise.
I'm not sure of this co'z the time I went here the bellem tombstone is not yet unsealed, but as some pioneers said you will decipher 4 codes for 7x only, no clues whatsoever, just plain numbers. Who's crazy enough to do it?Everybody of course. Why do I say so?Well, Sekmet only drops Dephrodine Series weapon wich I believe your AR (Attack Rating) would be around 64 above, (correct me if I'm wrong) but who knows, nobody has entered it so we wait for the next patches.

The mystery of the Crater is still on the line, so for you guys wanna try?w8 for the bellem stone to be unsealed co'z it's always announced on the broad. I enjoyed exploring even though I spend 1.8M for the key per enter,hehe!
Pioneers, you explore also so you could feel the heat and coal inside, tata~

Once You Go Black, You Never Go Back!^^,