So far, no one denies that FFA was a real trip to hell! XD
Aside from the crunch times, last minute errors, group frustrations and the likes I agree with Kincaid that FFA has indeed change all of us in some way.
Aside from the crunch times, last minute errors, group frustrations and the likes I agree with Kincaid that FFA has indeed change all of us in some way.

The first time FFA came out to be a competition, i wasn't working yet so I was fully confident i could join and be of use. Luckily, Kincaid and deEspania was looking for one more person, and thus Kindeesig was born. 
We've had our team's ups-and-downs, (from output to personal problems) which i'm sure all teams have gone through also. But we manage to set aside all those differences and made something we can be proud of for ourselves.
I remember Kincaid saying "we're a good team...with lousy computers" LOL. We may be a bit behind other teams because of that, but i feel i found real fulfillment in being able to give what i can to my team and not regret any of that in the end.
I also have found fellow FFA enthusiasts/ friends, i have discovered some of my editing talents (LOL), and i have shared them with teh world!
If the trip to hell would always result to that, i'd still take the ride no matter how long it would take. ^_~v
Thanks for everyone's help and support! I hope Machinima / friendship doesn't end here!
*Get some sleep (FINALLY!) and wakes up only to think of a script for future FFA movie* ~XD

We've had our team's ups-and-downs, (from output to personal problems) which i'm sure all teams have gone through also. But we manage to set aside all those differences and made something we can be proud of for ourselves.
I remember Kincaid saying "we're a good team...with lousy computers" LOL. We may be a bit behind other teams because of that, but i feel i found real fulfillment in being able to give what i can to my team and not regret any of that in the end.
I also have found fellow FFA enthusiasts/ friends, i have discovered some of my editing talents (LOL), and i have shared them with teh world!

If the trip to hell would always result to that, i'd still take the ride no matter how long it would take. ^_~v
Thanks for everyone's help and support! I hope Machinima / friendship doesn't end here!
*Get some sleep (FINALLY!) and wakes up only to think of a script for future FFA movie* ~XD
Reference: click here
The above statement was given by Joan Sigrid a co - blogger. But are you wondering why this is their entry to the Grand Finale of FFA week?well maybe a lot of you guys think that this is the real entry right?Is it mind boggling?for me, YES! but I'll just give you an info of these dark horse team passed through and why they come up with their entry. For the privacy of their team, they are too busy fixi'n up things in their personal chores in life but I'm amazed on how they come up with this ryt?Before I start let's enjoy first the whole Granado Superstars...:)
Granado Superstars
Granado Superstars 2
So here's the thing, the real entry is not the GS 2 but instead it must be RELAPSE 2. But why is there none?Watch first the RELAPSE...still following lol
1 of 2
2 of 2
The team "Kindeesig" is planning to continue this one but sadly because of their time breakage because of work, or in their family, friends etc. they haven't come up finishing the RELAPSE 2 to be. but in the long run, they never think of not passing any entry at the all so they submitted the Granado Supestars 2. Well, to all of you guys, nice work and goodluck co'z I know this point in time i need to sleep hehe...tata!