At this point in time, our faction
Takhisis is getting even stronger than before so we now started our first boss raid, first stop, Gehenna Bridge. It was really awesome co'z compared last year, It was really tough for us to hunt a boss for the reason of not attaining to have Veteran members. To start with this, It's good enough if you had your warp point in Gehenna Bridge but if not, You'll start at the waypoint going to Joaquin Prison and you'll walk around 10 to 20 minutes going to your trail from Prison De Joaquin Morgus to Gehenna Bridge....arrrgggh!Here are the orders:
Prison de Joaquin The Mohrgus - 1st flr
Prison de Joaquin The Altar of Despair - 2nd flr
Prison de Joaquin The Torture Chamber -3rd flr
Prison de Joaquin Schivarliere -4th flr
Prison de Joaquin Gehenna Bridge - 5th flr
After I got there, this is what my character looks like...

So after the long walk, we tried to wait Gererro from the time of it's Spawn but sad to say it has been slayed a couple of mins ago...So we chose the Key Of The Assize. As we enter, the first encounter, Chrysalis. It's not that hard to kill these boss but when killed, Dr. Fran Mothtein appears with 2 Eigleschvalier Warriors. The thing here is, at the first encounter, we are almost dead in the faction because lack of strategy is shown, but luckily one of our members (DirtyPair) had his Soul Crystal. So back to work, I decided to lure one Eigleschvalier at it's most distance as i can and my factionmates killed the other while Dr. Fran is in a distance. After that the next one is killed, the final encounter is with Dr. Fran Mothtein. We had our hard time because of HoD (Hole of Darkness)which cause a delay even death, my Wizard tolerated the damage beause of the PF (Protection Field). The strategy here is, there must be a tank "Sad to say it was our FL Fiksdotter, lol!" and scout is standing by for heal or to the worst, Resuscitation. while the Elementalist, Wizard, Musketeer must be alert when the HoD is charging to cast. My Wizard just did a bunch of SB (Strike Back) and PS (Photon Splash) plus the power of our faction mates and whala!deadz!hehe. If your curious about their stats here it is...

Complete Stats of Chrysalis, Dr. Fran Mothtein and Eigleschvalrier Warrior

My Takhisis Family after killing Dr. Fran. From top going clockwise: Fiksdotter, Colbourn, McBurney, Artaxerxes, CheKaBaBes and VargasII
I do believe after this, the time of spawn after killed is around 6 hours after the next spawn. Better ask somebody there if it was killed or not. If rest assured there is, try to change channel for the second attack. The Key of Assize can be acquired by killing Vladimir or over Adelina's Booty Search. It was a never to be forgotten experience, I hope your faction enjoyed their first raid boss the same as we do...Happy Boss Hunt!!!ciao~